5 Things You Need to Know Before a Brow Tattoo…
Anyone who has a brow tattoo knows just how important the before & after care is to make sure you get the BEST healed results, ever. We artists always say, “your aftercare is your insurance’… So we’ve listed what we think are 5 of the most important tips before you dive into the cosmetic tattoo world.
1. The Different Brow Tattoo Techniques
Here at Icon, we offer 3 different types of brow tattoo, that way we can create a shape and density that is suited to your style. It is a very important part of your consultation deciding which technique is best for you. Will ask you a bunch of questions and take into consideration things about your health, your current brow routine, skin tone, skin type and of course your desired brow look. When you first come in to your appointment, it’s best if you already have a rough idea as to what look you are trying to create.
Technique 1 is Microblading which is the most natural brow tattoo available. This technique creates strokes which mimic hair, resulting in a very natural brow look. It is perfect for someone wanting to enhance and fill sparse or gappy natural brows but don’t want full definition.
Technique 2 is a Combination technique which combines both microblading & shading. This is great for someone wanting a more defined arch and tail, but natural and soft through the front of the brow.
Technique 3 is a Powder or Ombre brow which mimics a ‘pencilled in’ brow look and heals very softly. This is for the person wanting a very defined (but still soft) brow.
2. Make Sure Skin Around Your Brows Is In TIP-TOP Condition
It is absolutely essential that your skin (especially around your brows) is in the best condition, meaning no sunburn, dryness, irritation, ingrown hairs, eczema, psoriasis etc. If any of these issues are present during your brow tattoo treatment, we run the risk of the pigment not taking to your skin and also the risk of infection. This means you will end up with an uneven brow result.
3. Stay Out Of The Sun
When you get any kind of tattoo (body or cosmetic), it is super important to stay out of the sun both before and after your treatment to make sure you get the best healing result possible! This goes into the point above which means the skin won’t be in ‘TIP-TOP” condition if it is already trying to heal from a sunburn. Stay out of direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks before and after your appointment for the best results.
4. Wash You Hair & Shave Before
Okay, the shaving bit might sound strange, but stay with me… After a brow tattoo, it is vital that you try your best to not get the area wet for a least 1 week, so you need to be super careful when you’re in the shower! We recommend you wash your hair and shave which ever body parts the day before or morning of to avoid getting your brows wet whilst they are in the healing phase. While we are on this topic, if you use a daily face cleanser (which everyone should…) we recommend cleansing your face in front of the mirror during the healing phase so you can avoid getting water or cleanser on your brow area.
5. Don’t Drink Alcohol Or Caffeine On The Day Of Your Appointment
It’s no secret that caffeine can make you a bit shaky (this is because it speeds up the blood flow), but it really becomes a problem when your brow tattooist needs you to be still for 2-3 hours. Alcohol thins the blood which does make it difficult to ensure the pigment we are implanting stays in your skin. If you are a bit of a ‘bleeder’ as we say, alcohol can make it almost impossible to have an even healed result. Our advice will always be to stay away from caffeine and alcohol the day before and the day of your brow appointment.
If you’ve any queries regarding brow tattooing, please message or call us x